It appears that porn actress Bella Elise Rose and eccentric Houston Rapper RiFF RAFF are launching a webcam series. The announcement was made via the Peach Panther’s Instagram account in a video that promises hopefuls can make “lots of money.”
As Rose explains in the video, she’s looking for “super hot girls” to appear in the new venture, and shows off a check for $20,000. Actual details of the series premise, though — outside of noting that it will take place in the Pink Princess Palace — are pretty slim.
This comes just two weeks after it was revealed that RiFF RAFF was the mystery man in a video posted by Rose on her Twitter on September 21. This revelation was confirmed by Mass Appeal who received the following statement from Rose’s publicist: “It was never meant to be a sex tape, we were just having fun — Okay, so our fun happened to include a camera.”
This isn’t the first time that RiFF RAFF has been linked to a porn star — back in 2015, it was rumored he was dating Gianna Nicole after the two appeared together in a video on TMZ.