DJ Cipha Sounds & DJ Drewski of TheMVMT present the video for “Victory” from “Dem Boyz From The Wood”. On any journey, you can be faced with several distractions. In this video Dem Boyz recognize some of the day to day distractions as they embark on their journey to achieve their dreams. “Victory” is the first release from Dem Boyz upcoming mixtape “E.Y.W”, which will drop this September 2015. “E.Y.W” is Dem Boyz mantra and it stands for “Eventually You Win”. Dem Boyz deliver new school freshness over timeless urban contemporary composition. We’re all familiar with Puff & B.I.G’s version. DaMVPz blessed this reprise. To keep up with Dem Boyz check out their website & follow them on all social media platforms @DemBoyzftw. Also follow @JoinTheMVMT , @Blunt_Mngmt, @CiphaSounds, @SoDrewski & @DaMVPz.